Image source: Maurizio Peddis Current leading real estate cities like Hong Kong, mainland China and London are mature and consistently sought after. Some investors are even considering them too hot for new investments. Instead, regions in Africa, as well as India are being hailed as the emerging markets in economics and population growth for 2014. The fast moving economies in Africa and India are seeing a steady rise in wages, urban growth and commercial expansions. Along with these factors, they are creating the fastest growing residential and commercial property markets. Affordable housing is in high demand, and those providing effective and  timey solutions are wielding significant social goods. While the promises of above-average returns in these areas are tempting, they&#x27re not without risks. Investing in exotic destinations was what some considered responsible for the depletion of many portfolios during the last global real estate crash. Furthermore, the lack of legal protections, as well as linguistic and logistical challenges also pose major risks for investors. Ultimately, a promise of high return on investment has less substantial hold, if not accompanied with the security of capital. Canada, the Growing Global Investment Haven Canada may be enjoying one of the steadiest economic and property rises it&#x27s seen in a while. Renewed predictions of extended growth in Canada, along with the rest of the world, pose great possibilities for real estate investment havens to develop, thus allowing for the possibility of attractive returns. In the last decade, Canada has been one of the top international and expat investment countries. Recent statistics of Toronto&#x27s surging property housing market and Alberta&#x27s extend growth forecasts the Canadian market is not slowing down. While Alberta has become a stronghold for property investors, the rest of Canada is also enjoying success. Industry giants are continuously sourcing Canadian talent and resources. For example, Canada was recently announced as the first country to supply McDonald with sustainable beef. Furthermore, Canadian companies are more prominent then ever on the global stage, with local retailers like Joe Fresh expanding rapidly, even reaching the Asian markets.   Want to learn more about Richard Crenian?

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